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4 Practical New Year’s Resolutions for a Healthy Smile

January 5, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — lauraphilippsdmd @ 4:08 pm
woman flossing for her New Year’s resolution

A shiny new year has just begun, and you’re probably looking for ways that you can save money or get healthier. Why not do both at once by resolving to take better care of your oral health? By adopting a few simple habits, you can enjoy a healthy smile and avoid painful (and expensive) dental problems. Keep reading as your dentist in Midland reveals four New Year’s resolutions that can benefit your smile in 2022 and for many years to come!

1. Get Two Dental Checkups This Year

If you don’t already visit your dentist twice a year, now is the perfect time to change that. A dental checkup and cleaning is the best way to find cavities, gum disease, and other oral health issues and stop them from getting worse. Better yet, these visits could prevent these problems from developing in the first place!

The next time your dentist is open, call them and schedule a checkup as soon as you can. Before you walk out of their office at the end of that visit, make sure to set up your next one for six months in the future.

2. Fall in Love with Flossing

Do you floss every day? If not, you’re not alone; studies suggest that about two-thirds of Americans don’t floss as often as they should. Get in the habit by setting your floss in a place where you won’t forget about it, such as right on top of your toothpaste. If you have trouble flossing or it takes too long, ask your dentist about alternatives to traditional floss. An interdental brush, floss picks, or a water flosser could be just what you need to keep the spaces between your teeth squeaky-clean.

3. Eat a More Smile-Friendly Diet

Cutting back on sugar in an attempt to lose weight is a popular New Year’s resolution. Did you know this can also benefit your dental health? Less sugar means less fuel for cavity-causing bacteria in your mouth. Plus, swapping sweets out for fruits, vegetables, and dairy products gives your teeth and gums the nutrients they need to stay strong and healthy.

4. Quit Harmful Chewing Habits

Many of us are unknowingly damaging our teeth every single day. Chewing on pen caps, eating ice, biting your fingernails, and opening packaging or bottles with your teeth are all examples of harmful habits that wear down your enamel every time you engage in them. To avoid chipping or breaking a tooth, make every effort to kick these habits and protect your smile. Instead, curb your urge to bite hard objects by chewing sugar-free gum. Additionally, always keep the appropriate tools within reach so you’re not tempted to use your teeth.

These New Year’s resolutions may seem simple, but they can pay off immensely in the long run by giving you a healthier smile for life!

About the Author

Dr. Laura Philipps is an experienced dentist in Midland, TX who earned her Doctor of Dental Medicine degree from Tufts University more than two decades ago. She focuses on improving her patients’ overall health, not just their smiles. If you’d like personalized advice on making and maintaining New Year’s resolutions that benefit your smile, Dr. Philipps would be more than happy to help. You can reach out via her website or by calling (432) 570-4433.

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